This provides security ssl protocol invisibly to the user how the operations are performed by the protocol are above the layer package of basic services for Internet protocols, Valbermjiat used Meevaq adjust the transmitter you set the port or socket for both ends of the connection, and this is done by drawing a map of the agenda at each end of contact, the parties.
Most procedures implemented if the protocol to start exchanging information and request the preparation of a secure communication channel, where the protocol work begins when a computer user application server reliability. Application determines which user is doing a cryptographic algorithm that can be used in addition to the text of the challenge. (Challenge of the text is significant short content is identifiable in random encrypted to prevent re-send the encrypted texts which have been used in the past, which means that the text of the challenge is different ciphertext).
The authentication server, which is based recovery are in the form of a certificate containing the key signature of the advertiser server and server on the preferences of the encryption algorithm to use. The user's computer then creates a real key, and the server encryption key and sends the result to the server. Then the message server re-encrypted with the original key, this key is used to generate the information necessary for sending messages keys.
SSL can encrypt all communications between the ports immediately and without user intervention, which provides support safety for all applications, the Internet, especially e-mail, and protocol Net Phone, and FTP, in addition to the various exchanges that take place on the web where it can protect all the use of SSL.
This provides a security protocol for a way invisible to the user, the operations are performed by the protocol are above the layer package of basic services for Internet protocols, Valbermjiat used Meevaq adjust the transmitter you set the port or power for both ends of the connection, and this is done by drawing a map of the agenda at each end of contact, the parties.
Most procedures implemented if the protocol to start exchanging information and request the preparation of a secure communication channel, where the protocol work begins when a computer user application server reliability. Application determines which user is doing a cryptographic algorithm that can be used in addition to the text of the challenge. (Challenge of the text is significant short content is identifiable in random encrypted to prevent re-send the encrypted texts which have been used in the past, which means that the text of the challenge is different ciphertext).
The authentication server, which is based recovery are in the form of a certificate containing the key signature of the advertiser server and server on the preferences of the encryption algorithm to use. The user's computer then creates a real key, and the server encryption key and sends the result to the server. Then the message server re-encrypted with the original key, this key is used to generate the information necessary for sending messages keys.
SSL can encrypt all communications between the ports immediately and without user intervention, which provides support safety for all applications, the Internet, especially e-mail, and protocol Net Phone, and FTP, in addition to the various exchanges that take place on the web where it can protect all the use of SSL.
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